Roger Jones- Madison County Commissioner

The Liberal Voice of the County Commission.

Roger Jones - History of Tax Increase Support

Roger Jones, Madison County Commissioner, Huntsville, Alabama

No one has done more to promote tax increase for education, than Roger Jones. Roger recently tried to enact more Sales Taxes in Madison County

Roger Jones Supports Tax Increases

On June 3rd Madison County voted against the half cent sales tax. It was defeated handily by two-thirds of the voters; however, the Madison County Commission still has the power to pass this tax and increase taxes on all county residents.

Commissioner Roger Jones District 1 has a long history of supporting tax increases. In fact, on this issue, Roger Jones was one of only two commissioners who supported the tax hike in a vote on September 29th 2006, and in the same meeting voted not to allow a public vote on the issue. Again, according to the Huntsville Times February 16, 2007, [Roger] Jones reiterated his support [for the half cent sales tax increase]. Jones said while the sales tax is unpopular, commissioners should "step up to the plate" and pass it to help area schools meet growth challenges.

This local election is too important to trust a commissioner who would raise your taxes, who opposes a public vote on an important tax issue, and who does not see that our residents already are making tough decisions with high prices at the pump, high taxes on food, and a slowed down economy. Do you really trust that Roger Jones will not vote again to raise your taxes after November 4th, 2008?

Commissioner Roger Jones and Criminal Sue Schmitz

A victory against The Good Old Boy network

At least the citizens of the great state of Alabama have had their day in court against a criminal that preyed on each and every one of us, stealing money that would have benefited at risk children or possibly used to help fund other needy school projects, especially at a time when every school system is in dire need of funds. Instead, the callous and shrewd Mrs. Schmitz stole from the very children she spent most of her life teaching - one has to ask why. Why after a lifetime of service as a teacher did Schmitz go down this path of deception and corruption, following the good old boy practice of taking money from taxpayers she did not earn, and from the transcripts of the trial NEVER intended to earn?

In my opinion, one can look no further than to Madison County Commissioner Roger Jones for the answer. As soon as Mrs. Sue Schmitz was arrested Mr. Jones immediately fired off a letter to the Huntsville Times not supporting district residents whom Schmitz had stolen money from as sure as she had crept into each and every one of our homes. No, Roger Jones made it very clear who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.

Commissioner Joness stated in his letter to the Huntsville Times: "To think someone would use such poor judgment as to send six FBI agents to the Schmitz home before daylight, make her husband John wait on a porch with no shirt, while Sue is dressed, handcuffed, and hauled away is appalling. This type of strong-arm intimidation should not be tolerated. This is America and not Nazi Germany." To Mr. Jones the bad guys were the FBI agents who had the displeasure of arresting the representative at her home in the early morning hours of February 2008. Hard to explain, no, not really, considering for far too long Alabama politics have focused not on serving the public but serving politicians self interest and the interest of their friends we call it the good old boy network.

This network is alive and well throughout Alabama politics and as evidenced in our secondary school system where we witnessed during the trial of Representative Schmitz that powerful lobbyists and her politician friends not only assured her of a job but increased the funding for her position so she could make even more money off the backs our hard-working citizens while giving little to nothing back to our children everyone should be rightfully outraged! Alas, who came again to aid and support the defenses argument that she was railroaded and targeted by federal prosecutors and testified on Schmitzs behalf, none other than Commissioner Roger Jones. According to Bob Johnson of the Associated Press The character witnesses included Madison County Commissioner Roger Jones, who said his district overlaps with Schmitz's House district in northwest Madison County. "She's well-respected. I would say she's a very truthful person. She does a very good job representing that area," Jones said. Under cross-examination by Prosecutor David Estes, Jones said he did not know anything about Schmitz's reputation at the youth program where she worked.

Maybe Commissioner Jones didn't follow the same trial the rest of us watched or maybe its just part of his politics as usual and a his desire to follow the time tested good old boy network that has plagued Madison County politics for too many years.

Finally the citizens of the great state of Alabama have had their day in court against a criminal that preyed on each and every one of us, stealing money that would have benefited at risk children or possibly used to help fund other more needy school projects, at a time when every schools system is in dire need of funds. Instead, the callous and shrewd Mrs. Schmitz stole from the very children she spent most of her life teaching ~ one has to ask why. Why after a lifetime of service as a teacher did Schmitz go down this path of deception and corruption, following the good ole boy practice of taking money from taxpayers she did not earn, and from the transcripts of the trial NEVER intended to earn?

In my opinion, one can look no further than to Madison County Commissioner Roger Jones for the answer. As soon as Mrs. Sue Schmitz was arrested Mr. Jones immediately fired off a letter to the Huntsville Times not supporting district residents whom Schmitz had stolen money from as sure as she had crept into each and every one of their homes. No, Roger Jones made it very clear who were the good guys and who were the bad guys.

In this case, in Commissioner Jones's eyes, the bad guys were the police and FBI agents who had the displeasure of arresting the congresswoman at her home in the early morning hours of February 2008. For their work, Roger Jones vilified them and likened them to Nazis breaking into the home of an innocent citizen. Given his rationale poor Representative Schmitz was the one that should be protected from these terrifying public officials. He protested what a great leader she was and how she worked many years supporting and teaching our children and should be respected and spared from this harassment. Hard to explain, no, not really, considering for far too long Alabama politics have focused not on serving the public but serving self interest and the interest of friends here we call it the "good ole boys" network.

This network is alive and well throughout Alabama politics and as evidenced in our secondary school system where we witnessed during the trial of Representative Schmitz that powerful lobbyists and political figures not only assured her of a job but increased the funding for this position so she could make more money off the backs of hard-working citizens while giving nothing back to our children in return everyone should be rightfully outraged! Alas, who came again to aid and support the defense argument that she was railroaded and targeted by federal prosecutors and testified on Schmitzs behalf, none other than Commissioner Roger Jones. Maybe Commissioner Jones didn't follow the same trial the rest of us followed or maybe its just part of his politics as usual and a requirement to follow the time tested good ole boy network that has plagued Madison County politics for too many years.

Roger Jones has served several years on the Madison County Commission and has built a record of promoting tax increases. Roger Jones County Commissioner